Grow Financial Federal Credit Union
May 12, 2023

Grow Financial Headquarters is on the Move

If you live in the Tampa Bay Area, you may have heard that our headquarters building at 9927 Delaney Lake Drive is up for sale! That’s right. After two decades in our current building, we’re moving forward with plans to relocate our headquarters to another spot in Tampa. Here’s the scoop on why we’re making a change.

Why is Grow Headquarters moving?

When we originally built our headquarters building in the early 2000s, it was designed and constructed to meet our needs at the time — safe and comfortable with plenty of room for a wide variety of departments and team members to conduct regular business. Fast forward to 2023 and our needs look a little different.

At the onset of the pandemic in 2020, much of our corporate workforce became distributed as we adopted hybrid or remote work options. This gave our team members the flexibility to work from home, headquarters and a variety of store office locations around Tampa Bay and South Carolina. With an incredibly productive few years behind us and an engaged, reliable team in place, work-from-home and hybrid work has become a permanent part of our strategy. (In fact, team member feedback, including many positive remarks about our newfound flexibility, enabled us to rank #6 on the Tampa Bay Times Top Workplaces list for 2023!)

As a result, we no longer need all the space afforded to us by our five-story headquarters building. We’ve listed our building for sale and are in the process of finding a space that’s the right size to fit our current needs.

Where will Grow Headquarters be located next?

With roots on MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, we’re definitely here to stay in Tampa Bay! While we aren’t ready to share the exact location just yet, we’re considering several exciting new developments in Tampa as potential locations for our headquarters building. We look forward to being part of Tampa’s renewed growth strategy as we move to a more central location. What we’re aiming for is a streamlined, modern space that offers a variety of collaborative and innovative spaces for our team. Stay tuned for additional news over the coming months as the pieces come together!

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